Your site comes customized with a Contact Form so local alumni can easily contact you from your site. All you need to do is add a contact email address so we can forward their message on to you.
You can do this by clicking "Site Settings" in the Site Admin Menu, then on the "Contact Info" tab, add your group's contact email.
Anytime someone fills out the contact form on your site, we'll send it to you immediately. We try to filter out spam, but unfortunately we don't catch it all so you may get some bogus emails selling prescriptions or asking you to send money to the Cayman Islands. Please don't follow those instructions.
The last thing to note is we forward all contact emails from
. You'll need to create a new email chain to respond to the person who sent the email. If you reply to the no-reply email address, we'll send back a reminder that you emailed a robot instead of a real person.